


Rapid Compression Machine Lab

Intro block State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy | Center For Combustion Energy


• Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition (MPCI)

       HCCI模式NOx和Soot排放低但压升率高;柴油机扩散燃烧放热过程容易控制但NOx和Soot排放高;PPCI模式试图在两个极端之间寻求折中平衡。这三种国际上已有的先进压燃模式仍未打破碳烟-NOx-热效率-压升率四者间的此消彼长关系。而多次预混压燃(Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition,MPCI)模式,通过每次压燃过程燃油和空气充分混合,解决了最大压力升高率和燃烧噪声高的问题,实现缸内压力升高过程和污染物生成过程的解耦,获得发明专利。

       汽油压燃(HCCI, SCCI, PPCI)存在着燃烧放热过程的可控性和燃油经济性之间的耦合关系,汽油MPCI模式未牺牲燃油经济性,发明点是峰值燃烧温度低,且高温区域集中在燃烧室中部,降低传热损失,实现了燃烧放热可控性和燃油经济性之间的解耦。



专利: 王志,王步宇,等.ZL201410742566.1


  1. H.Q. Yang, S.J. Shuai, Z. Wang, et al. High Efficiency and Low Pollutants Combustion: Gasoline Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition (MPCI). SAE Technical Paper (2012).
  2. H.Q. Yang, S.J. Shuai, Z. Wang, et al. Fuel Octane Effects on Gasoline Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition (MPCI) Mode. Fuel, 2013, 103:373-379.
  3. H.Q. Yang, S.J. Shuai, Z. Wang, et al. Parameter Study of Common Rail Pressure for Low Octane Gasoline Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition (MPCI) in Light-duty Diesel Engine. Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2013, 227(2):272-280.
  4. H.Q. Yang, S.J. Shuai, Z. Wang, et al. Gasoline Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition (MPCI): Controllable, High Efficiency and Clean Combustion Mode in Direct Injection Engines. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2013, 14(1):19-27.
  5. H.Q. Yang, S.J. Shuai, Z. Wang, et al. New Premixed Compression Ignition Concept for Direct Injection IC Engines Fueled with Straight-run Naphtha. Energy Conversion and Management, 2013, 68:161-168.
  6. H.Q. Yang, S.J. Shuai, Z. Wang, et al. Comparative Study of Low Octane Gasoline Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition and Conventional Diesel Combustion. Combustion Science and Technology, 2013, 185(4): 564-578.
  7. H.Q. Yang, S.J. Shuai, Z. Wang, et al. Performance of Straight-run Naphtha Single and Two-stage Combustion Modes from Low to High Load. International Journal of Engine Research, 2013, 14(5): 469-478.
  8. H.Q. Yang, S.J. Shuai, Z. Wang, et al. Effect of Injection Timing on PPCI and MPCI Mode Fueled with Straight-run Naphtha. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2013, 136(3): 031501.
  9. H.Q. Yang, Z. Wang, S.J. Shuai, et al. Temporally and spatially distributed combustion in low-octane gasoline multiple premixed compression ignition mode. Applied Energy, 2015, 150: 150-160.
  10. Wang Buyu, Wang Zhi, Shuai Shijin, et al. Combustion and emission characteristics of Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition (MPCI) fuelled with naphtha and gasoline in wide load range. Energy Conversion and Management. 2014, 88(12):79-87.
  11. Wang Buyu, Wang Zhi, Shuai Shijin, et al. Combustion and emission characteristics of Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition (MPCI) mode fuelled with different low octane gasolines. Applied Energy. 2015, 160:769-776.
  12. Wang B, Yang H Q, Shuai S J, et al. Numerical resolution of multiple premixed compression ignition (MPCI) mode and partially premixed compression ignition (PPCI) mode for low octane gasoline. SAE Technical Paper, 2013.
  13. Wang B, Shuai S J, Yang H Q, et al. Experimental Study of Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition Engine Fueled with Heavy Naphtha for High Efficiency and Low Emissions. SAE Technical Paper, 2014.
  14. Wang B, Wang Z, Shuai S J, et al. Investigations into Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition Mode Fuelled with Different Mixtures of Gasoline and Diesel. SAE Technical Paper, 2015.
  15. Wang B, Wang Z, Shuai S, et al. Extension of the Lower Load Limit in Dieseline Compression Ignition Mode. Energy Procedia, 2015, 75: 2363-2370.
  16. Kim K, Wang Z, Wang B, et al. Load expansion of naphtha multiple premixed compression ignition (MPCI) and comparison with partially premixed compression ignition (PPCI) and conventional diesel combustion (CDC). Fuel, 2014, 136: 1-9.
  17. Liu H, Wang Z, Li B, et al. Exploiting new combustion regime using multiple premixed compression ignition (MPCI) fueled with gasoline/diesel/PODE (GDP). Fuel, 2016, 186: 639-647.
  18. Yu L, Shuai S, Li Y, et al. An experimental investigation on thermal efficiency of a compression ignition engine fueled with five gasoline-like fuels. Fuel, 2017, 207: 56-63.
Created: Mar 27, 2018 | 13:00