


Medical Bioinformatics (Zhao Lab)



Welcome to the Zhao Lab for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at the School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking University.

We are interested in 1) computational modeling of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms for cell identity regulation in diseases, with a particular interest in tumorigenesis; 2) developing novel bioinformatics techniques and utilizing these techniques to understand the regulation mechanism at a system level; 3) using bioinformatics to gain novel biological insights into various cancers, development, stem cell in collaboration with experimental biologists.



Recent News!

***News! News! News! The Zhao lab is recruiting motivated Postdocs to work on 1) developing computational and statistical methods to intergrate epigenetic features in cancer systems; 2) utilizing machine learning to understand cancer driver lncRNAs. Welcome to join us.

09/2022:Our Lab won the General Program funding of NSFC(National Natural Science Foundation of China) !!

09/2022: Yunxi Liao will further her education in our Lab as PhD student. 

08/2022: Lina Bu joined our Lab as PostDoc,  Welcome onboard!

06/2022: Chenyang Wu joined our group as PhD student,Welcome!

04/2022: Our Lab has won the Clinical+ X Fund of Peking University

10/2021: Dr. Zhao was invited to give a presentation on the 10th National Conference on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology of China.

08/2021: Dr. Zhao gave a talk online in the TBM seminar. 

07/2021: Dr. Zhao was invited to give a presentation in Beijing Cancer Hospital.

07/2021: Our collaboration paper with Dr. Kunal Rai at MD Anderson Cancer Center about Melanoma Carcinogenesis and Chemoresistance was published in Cell Report.

06/2021: Yunxi Liao joined the group as a master student, she will receive joint mentoring in the Wen and Zhao labs, welcome!

06/2021: Shaodong Huang from the Peking University will join us as a PhD student. Welcome onboard!

04/2021: Ziyan Rao from the Peking University joined the lab as a PhD student. Welcome Ziyan!

04/2021: Our collaboration paper with Dr. Qi Cao about a new founction for EZH2 in prostate cancer was published in Nature Cell Biology.

04/2021: Dongyu started his own independent lab as a PI in the Peking University.
