


Research Center for Explosion Safety and Firework Material

简介 Aiming at constructing a teaching base to train talents for disaster prevention and reduction


“We are in urgent need of sustainable, innovative, and potent solutions to Petrochemical Safety, reduce loss, and enhance labor safety.”

Our research philosophy

      Our Lab is aiming at constructing a teaching base to train talents for disaster prevention and reduction, a technology innovation center, a cultural radiation center and an information exchange center.





徐启铭与师生分享英文写作技巧 (摄影: 詹潇兵)

       11日上午,在深部煤矿采动响应与灾害防控省部共建国家重点实验室 (筹) 一楼报告厅,徐启铭教授作了题为《从错误中学习英文写作》学术报告。徐教授结合实例,分享了英文写作中标题拟定、摘要撰写、关键词选择及图表表征的技巧,并对符号命名、致谢撰写及参考文献引用中的一些细节事项进行了深入讲解。他敦促大家,只有“拘小节,方能成大事”,将写作技巧融会贯通,把每个细节落实到位,才能写出一篇漂亮的英文期刊论文。

     11日下午,在崇礼楼东102报告厅,徐启铭教授作了题为《Calorimetric technique combined with computational fluid dynamics to assess the process of thermal runaway and hazard evaluation in olefin recovery process》的学术报告。徐教授通过对事故灾害的总结分析,讲解了微量量热技术在化工安全评价中的重要性及可行性,并以烯烃反应过程为例,采用量热计术与流体力学计算相结合的方法,评估烯烃回收过程中的热失控行为及其危险性。报告中详细介绍了理论计算、数值模拟与微量量热实验相结合的的研究方法,为化工过程中的热安全性评估,提供了宝贵的研究经验。

徐启铭与师生交流热分析技术的研究方法 (摄影: 张志和)


徐启铭,1958年11月生,特约讲座教授,台湾云林科技大学副校长,在危害物质热分解及失控反应、爆炸性物质的燃烧及爆炸特性分析方面的研究成果丰硕,至今已发表相关SCI学术论文250余篇,并受邀担任多个 SCI 期刊的编辑 (Process Safety Progress, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Journal of Safety Research)。于2011、2016 年分别荣获“美国化学工程师协会” (AIChE), “北美热分析协会” (NATAS) 会士,2017 年获北美热分析学会热最高殊荣 Mettler Award,2018 年荣获英国皇家化学学会会士 (RSC) 及国际工程技术学会会士 (IET)。

(撰稿、核稿:刘上豪、杨忠连,刘锋 编辑、审稿:)



讲学结束后两位教授与老师学生合影 (摄影: 张斌)

       陈强琛教授以乙烯、甲烷、乙烷等物质为例,对化学品的可燃界限范围在不同惰性气体 (氮气、氦气及二氧化碳等) 中的估算方法进行讲解,从各个方面详细和大家分享了自己的科研经验及科研成果。廖宏章教授则给师生们详细讲解了易燃液体混合物最低闪火点的特点,并对易燃液体混合物最低闪火点处的行为进行了深入的分析。报告会上气氛热烈,两位老师在报告后都详细解答了同学们的问题,并与化工学院弹药系教师进行了深入交流。

     陈强琛,博士,教授,博士生导师。现为台湾高雄科技大学环境与安全卫生工程系教授。台湾地区环境保护署毒灾应变咨询专家、经济部工业局大型石化公共安全联合稽查专家委员、劳动部制程安全管理辅导专家委员。曾与多家企业 (台塑集团、台湾中国石油…等) 进行制程安全有关辅导,已发表SCI期刊论文27篇 (中科院分区:1区6篇、2区11篇) 与EI期刊论文2篇。

     廖宏章,博士,教授,博士生导师。现为台湾高雄科技大学环境与安全卫生工程系特聘教授,曾任职于台湾中国医药大学职业安全卫生系教授/副教授/助理教授、台湾工业技术研究院工业安全卫生发展中心研究员、台湾大学化学工程学系助教。发表SCI学术论文29篇 (中科院分区:1区8篇、2区5篇) 与EI期刊论文6篇。

(撰稿、核稿:刘上豪、邢宏龙 编辑、审稿:)

8月7日 刘上豪老师参加2018安全科学与技术国际研讨会

       8月7日,第11届安全科学与技术国际会议 (11th ISSST) 在上海海事大学拉开帷幕,我校引进人才、化工学院爆炸科学与工程系教师刘上豪副教授参加了本次学术会议。

刘上豪老师参会留影 (摄影:大会主办方提供)

       会议除组织大会报告外,还组织了关键基础设施安全与稳定性、消防安全、化工安全、环境安全、海洋安全、过程工业安全、城市安全、矿井安全、防爆、安全评价和风险分析、安全管理等11个专题会场。刘上豪老师惜时如金,不仅在会上做了题为“Using thermal analysis method to assess the thermal stability of 1,3-Dimethylimidazolium nitrate”的口头报告,还在会议期间与全球的专家、学者就安全科学各领域的学术问题进行了深入的探讨与交流。


(撰稿、核稿:化工学院 刘上豪、邢宏龙)

Overview of research areas



Azo Compounds


    Azo compounds (azos) are compounds bearing the functional group R-N=N-R′, about half of those commercially important azos are azo initiators which have the aliphatic organic groups or its derivatives as the attached groups. Unfortunately, the thermal decomposition of the aliphatic azos will produce nitrogen and free radicals, which can promptly decompose and releases a large amount of heat under high ambient temperature and leads to deflagration even explosion in storage, transportation or reactor. For instance, on 22 July 2011, a serious combustion accident caused by the heat accumulation from thermal decomposition of 2,2’-azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) occurred on a bus in Henan China killed 41 people. In July 2015, due to the runaway reaction of azos, a serious explosion accident happened in the process of shattering azos caused two casualty in Kunshan Jiangsu, China. In May 2016, a warehouse for storing azo dyes caught fire in Jiangsu, China, and the economic losses caused by this fire is about several hundred million dollars. 

    The purposes of the study are to character the thermal stability of azos, investigate the potential hazards for organic peroxide and finally establish an inherently safer working environment of azos in industrial progress.

Organic peroxides


    Organic peroxides (OPs) refer to a class of organic compounds containing peroxide chains, including dialkyl peroxides, alkyl hydroperoxide, diacyl peroxide, peroxy ester, ketone peroxide. All typical features of reactivity or incompatibility are ascribed to the breaking of O–O bond which can release hemolytic decomposition accompanying heat and non-condensable gases released.     

    Unfortunately, fires or explosions are the ultimate types of OPs incidents which may cause by error operation, lack of process safety management, mistake loading/feeding, improper use of protective equipment and so on. For example, on July 17, 1993, the organic peroxide factory warehouse belongs to Akzo Chemical Company caught fire. Moreover, on August 3, 2003, a container loading methyl ethyl ketone peroxide burned during berthing.

    The purposes of the study are to character the thermal stability of organic peroxide, investigate the potential hazards for organic peroxide and finally establish an inherently safer working environment of organic peroxide in industrial progress.
