






团队负责人吴怀宇教授简介:吴怀宇,男,教授、博士生导师。2003年毕业于清华大学,获得工学博士学位。长期从事机器人技术及其应用领域的研究与教学工作。现为湖北省人工智能学会副理事长、湖北省自动化学会副理事长、美国IEEE高级会员。主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、湖北省科技支撑计划、教育部科研项目和企业技术改造课题等多项,在IEEE Trans. on Robotics、IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics、IEICE Trans. on Electronics、Mechatronics、Neurocomputing等期刊上发表论文50余篇,出版专著1部,获授权中国发明专利11项,软件著作权登记10项。主编教材2部,其中《自动控制原理》获批“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材。


1. Multi-game optimization operation strategy for integrated energy system considering spatiotemporal correlation of renewable energy——范芝仪
2. Port berth allocation and microgrid cluster joint optimization scheduling based on master-slave game——易旭
3. 基于多目标人工蜂群算法的客户满意度异构机器人配送系统路径规划——侯尚萱
4. 电力巡检机器人的量化反演容错滑模控制——贺相凯
5. A Path Planning Method for the Spherical Amphibious Robot Based on Improved A-star Algorithm——李轲
6. Regression-enhanced Entrotaxis as an autonomous search algorithm for seeking an unknown gas leakage source——龚秒洲
7. Robotic Odor Source Localization via Vision and Olfaction Fusion Navigation Algorithm——赵威




1. 自适应动态规划在最优控制中的应用——晏希文
2. Time-variant gas distribution mapping with obstacle information——柳青
3. Design and performance evaluation of an infotaxis-based three-dimensional algorithm for odor source localization——胡颖
4. Multi-vehicle Dynamic Water Surface Monitoring——黄太子
5. MOAR Planner: Multi-Objective and Adaptive Risk-Aware Path Planning for Infrastructure Inspection with a UAV——俞锴
6. UAV Trajectory Optimization for Time-Constrained Data Collection in UAV-Enabled Environmental Monitoring Systems——余慧慧
7. Gathering Data from Risky Situations with Pareto-Optimal Trajectories——刘城
8. EFP: Efficient Frontier-Based Autonomous UAV Exploration Strategy for Unknown Environments——崔辰宇




3、任意有向图下网络化不确定拉格朗日系统的完全分布式自适应协调控制,汇报人: 钟贤能
4、基于改进infotaxis的泄漏源定位研究,汇报人:  陶翔
5、分数阶四旋翼无人机系统的轨迹跟踪控制,汇报人:  席诗雨
6、具有输入时延的合作竞争多智能体系统固定时间一致性,汇报人:  刘钰
7、蜂窝网络下基于性能均匀意识的多无人机弹性路径规划,汇报人:  钟佳龙
8、多无人机系统对抗弹性任务规划,汇报人:  邹克勤
9、重心偏移下的全向移动机器人的轨迹跟踪控制,汇报人:  李晓霞




    Xiong Ling, female, PhD, professor, visiting scholar at Washington State University in the United States. Graduated from the Institute of Image Recognition and Artificial Intelligence at Huazhong University of Science and Technology with a PhD degree in Engineering. Main research areas: pattern recognition and intelligent systems, image processing and its applications, etc. Led the completion of one National Natural Science Foundation of China, participated in four National Natural Science Foundation of China, and led one Hubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation project, two Hubei Provincial Key Projects for Technological Innovation, and one Hubei Provincial Key R&D project. Received 2 second prizes for scientific and technological progress in Hubei Province, 1 third prize for technological invention in Hubei Province, and 1 second prize for scientific and technological progress in China's machinery industry; More than 10 authorized invention patents and utility model patents, as well as 3 software copyrights; Published over 50 academic papers. Editor in chief or deputy editor in chief of 5 textbooks, awarded 1 second prize for national teaching achievements and 1 second prize for provincial teaching achievements.



    Cheng Lei, male, PhD, professor, joint doctoral supervisor at the University of West England in the United Kingdom. Selected as one of the "Hubei Province New Century High level Talent Project" and one of the "Top Ten Outstanding Youth in Hongshan Region" in the 9th Wuhan City. Engaged in research and teaching in robotics and intelligent olfactory perception for a long time. He also serves as an executive member of the Youth Work Committee of the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society, an executive member of the Intelligent Robot Professional Committee of the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society, a director of the Hubei Provincial Automation Society, a director of the Hubei Provincial Artificial Intelligence Society, and an executive director of the Wuhan Automation Society. Hosted and participated in 6 projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 9 provincial and ministerial level scientific and educational research projects, published over 60 papers, and won 10 international and domestic academic awards, as well as more than 20 national awards in student competitions.



    Dr. Chen Yang is currently a professor at the School of Information Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Science and Technology. He got his PhD from the State Key Laboratory of Robotics at the Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on the modeling, planning, and control of mobile robots. Currently, his main research is on multi-robot collaborative path planning for applications such as continuous monitoring, emergency rescue, agricultural spraying, building inspection, and road patrols. The decision-making of robots faces challenges from various uncertainties, including unreliable communication quality between robots, road network congestion, obstacles, battery levels, adverse weather conditions, electronic and mechanical failures, among others. Therefore, optimal decision-making for robots should possess certain resilient features such as robustness, redundancy, fault tolerance, and flexibility.
