



简介 致力于地震成像理论、技术创新以及国产地震成像软件的开发,聚焦深地、深海、人工智能、工业软件开发等国际前沿领域及“卡脖子”技术进行攻关。


Topic 15: Optimized point spread function imaging-domain LSRTM

1. To accurately calculate the inverse of the Hessian matrix, solve the PSF sparsity selection problem, and eliminate migration noise, we propose a velocity-adaptive irregular PSF deconvolution imaging using a Gaussian smoothing X-shaped denoising diffusion filtering operator. The velocity-adaptive irregular grid selection strategy allows for adaptive selection of the grid size based on the velocity of the different layers, ensuring maximum imaging accuracy and avoiding the risk of interference among PSFs. The Gaussian smoothing X-shaped denoising diffusion filtering operator eliminates migration noise and also prevents the introduction of deconvolution noise.

“Velocity-Adaptive Irregular Point Spread Function Deconvolution Imaging Using X-Shaped Denoising Diffusion Filtering” can be downloaded and viewed as a pdf, or click this link.

创建: May 03, 2024 | 17:16