


Group of Molecular Spectrocopy

简介 High Resolution


在重庆大学支持下,我们建成了国内两台微波波谱仪器。该装置特色是高集成化、高分辨率、频率覆盖范围宽(工作频率范围为2-20 GHz),是国际上少数几台覆盖低频率波段(2-8 GHz)的装置之一,低频率波段特别适合于研究较大尺寸的分子体系,而且该装置具有高灵敏度和高分辨率。同时,实验室还配置了Gaussion09,cfour等用于理论计算。


冯刚 研究员

重庆大学“青年百人计划”预聘制助教授,研究员,博士生导师。2006年、2009毕业于重庆大学化学化工学院分别获工学学士学位和理学硕士学位;2013年毕业于意大利博洛尼亚大学(Università di Bologna)获博士学位。2013-2015年在中国科学院化学研究所分子反应动力学国家重点实验室工作。2015年9月加入重庆大学化学化工学院。

勾茜 研究员

重庆大学“百人计划”特聘研究员,博士生导师,2014年于意大利博洛尼亚大学获得化学博士学位(G. Spada奖),2014-2015年担任博洛尼亚大学化学院研究助理,德国汉诺威大学及法国滨海大学访问学者。主要通过构建高分辨、高灵敏度的分子转动光谱研究平台,结合高精度量子理论计算及物理模型,从分子水平上探讨化学物理中的一些基础核心问题,包括分子结构、构象平衡、非共价键相互作用、电荷分布以及内部动力学过程等。累计在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.J. Phys. Chem. Lett.Chem. Eur. J.Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.等SCI期刊上发表相关学术论文八十余篇。


The International Workshop on Astrochemistry (2019) in Xi’An, China


Dr. Feng and Dr. Gou gave their oral talk. And Ms. Jin, Ms. Li, Ms. Gao, Mr. Li, Mr. Lei and Ms. Li made the posters.

Mr. Lei won the award of “Top Student Poster Award of the International Workshop on Astrochemistry (2019)”.




还在为博士毕业后找工作还是继续深造烦恼吗,这里给各位小伙伴们带来一个好消息。那就是西班牙 Emilio J. Cocinero 分子光谱课题组广招博士后啦!详情请见介绍!

Publication date: November 14, 2018
Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia (FBB) is a center of excellence on an international level with the main aim of promoting a multidisciplinary program in the field of Biophysics and its application in the areas of Biotechnology and Health.
Description of the project:
The position is offered in the Spectroscopy Group led by Emilio J. Cocinero. (http://grupodeespectroscopia.es/MW/). The project will focus on the accurate structural characterization of
biomolecules and molecules of astrophysical interest and its molecular interactions by microwave spectroscopy. Our research encompasses different methodologies ranging from the microwave spectroscopy, laser spectroscopy and computational modelling. The group has an extensive network of national and international collaborations.

Relevant articles:
Nature, 469, 76-80 (2011).
Nat. Comm., 8, 15195 (2017).
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51, 3119-3124 (2012).
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140, 9952 (2018).

Education and Experience Required:
The candidates should have a PhD in Chemistry or Physics.

Contact: Applicants are encouraged to send the next documentation through the Biofisika website contact page (http://biofisika.org/contact/), adding the following subject: [Job Application: 37EJC]
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Reference letters
3. Description of previous research

Deadline: December 10, 2018
Please note that due to the large number of applicants expected, it will not be possible to communicate the evaluation results to all the candidates.

Noncovalent interactions

In this part, we are focusing on the fundamental importance of non-covalent interactions in nature by illustrating molecular complexes from chemistry,  physics and the biosciences. High resolution microwave spectroscopy combined with pulse jet technique is used for the study of non-covalent interactions in different kinds of molecular clusters are briefly outlined. The roles of structure and geometry, stabilization energy, internal dynamics for molecular clusters are extensively discussed.

Conformational behaviours of Flexible molecules

The knowledge of conformational behaviors and geometries is essential to understand, from the molecular level, the change of their physicochemical characteristics and biological activity upon halogenation. High resolution rotational spectra of certain series of flexible molecules are proposed to be investigated using pulse-jet Fourier transform microwave spectroscopic technique combining with theoretical calculation. Precise information on their shapes, geometries, conformational equilibria and internal dynamics will be obtained. Furthermore, it would shed light on the nature and discipline of the factors impacting molecular conformational behaviours, which will be very helpful to tune, more rationally, the organic compounds.

Interstellar Molecules

The presence of interstellar molecules would provide the important information for the revolution of interstellar gas and stars.By mimicking the environment of interstellar space with low molecular density in the laboratory, the potential astronomical molecules will be produced on line via the collision under the DC discharge. With pulse jet-Fourier transform microwavespectroscopic technique, the high resolution rotational spectra of potential interstellar molecules will be investigated. The typical pattern of their rotational spectra will be identified. The obtained precise spectroscopic and structural parameters, and the deduced mechanics upon formation are essential to their observation in the interstellar space.
