






We are interested in the intersection of condensed matter physics and materials science, particularly focusing on bridging the frontier of condensed matter theory, such as topological order, fractionalization and quantum frustration, with real-world materials. Our research is mainly based on well-established first-principles calculation, from which the properties of materials are simulated, quantified and further mapped to effective physical models. These studies are also used to provide important support for the synthesis, characterization and modulation of materials in experiment.

2019 IASTU Summer Program on "Topology and Frustration in Quantum Materials"

Official website: http://qmat19.csp.escience.cn

2019.6.4-2019.6.6 Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


Binghai Yan, Weizmann Institute of Science, Isareal

Zheng Liu, Tsinghua University, China

Jia-Wei Mei, Southern University of Science and Technology, China

About the Workshop

An important theme lying at the frontier of physics is to discover and understand new quantum phases of matter beyond the standard textbook classification. In the past decade, several new families of real-world platforms, such as topological insulators and semimetals, iron-based superconductors, geometrically frustrated magnets, as well as ultracold atoms in optical lattices, have been realized and extensively studied, which significantly advances our knowledge of the so-called “quantum materials”. Topology and frustration represent two novel features that are frequently encountered in these exotic examples. This workshop aims at bringing together active researchers in this broad field. By exchanging and discussing observations of a wide range of systems, we expect that this workshop will help share different perspectives on quantum materials and motivate further investigations.

This workshop is a part of the traditional summer program held annually at the Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University. No pre-registration is required. Any interested student or researcher is welcome to attend the scientific sessions by showing onsite a valid student's or employee's ID.

Useful information will be updated at the website: http://qmat19.csp.escience.cn






1) 凝聚态理论:顾秉林、文小刚(访问教授)、翁征宇、姚宏、汪忠、刘峥、朱邦芬(兼职)、段文晖(兼职)
2) 原子与分子物理:何天伦(访问教授)、翟荟
3) 理论物理:聂华桐、Bartek Czech、欧阳钟灿(双聘)、于渌(双聘)

1) 基础数学:王小云、张寿武(访问教授)




Postdoctoral Fellow Positions at the IASTU

The Institute for Advanced Study at Tsinghua University (IASTU) is a research institute dedicated to theoretical studies of fundamental science. At present, research in physics at the IASTU is mainly focused on theoretical condensed matter, cold atom physics, machine learning and related fields.We sincerely invite applications for postdoctoral (regular or C. N. Yang junior) fellow positions in physics. Successful candidates are expected to undertake independent research or collaborate with other researchers at the IASTU. Postdoctoral fellows at the IASTU also have opportunities to visit other world-leading research institutes for international collaborations during their appointment term.

Regular postdoctoral Fellows are appointed to two years terms with possible extension of one more year. Outstanding applicants will be considered for Chen Ning Yang Junior Fellows at the IASTU who are expected to possess exceptional independent research ability and originality. C. N. Yang Junior Fellows are appointed to three years terms. The number of C. N. Yang Junior Fellows at any one time is normally limited to three and usually one is chosen each academic year. For both types of fellows, reappointment as Associate Member at the IASTU may be considered.

The yearly stipend for regular postdoctoral fellows and C. N. Yang Junior Fellows will be very competitive. Tsinghua University will provide each fellow (regular and C. N. Yang junior) a rent-subsidized apartment for living.

A candidate must have a Ph.D. prior to the start of the positions. Interested candidates are encouraged and invited to submit electronic application through https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/12768 . Applications should include a CV with publication list, research statement or a summary of research interests, and contact details (including name, affiliation, and email address) of at least two references. To ensure full considerations, the application should be received by January 31, 2019 (review of applications normally starts earlier).

To learn more about the IASTU, please visit http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/publish/casen or contact Prof. Zheng-Yu Weng (weng@tsinghua.edu.cn) , Prof. Hong Yao (yaohong@tsinghua.edu.cn), Prof. Hui Zhai (huizhai.physics@gmail.com), or other faculty members.
