





1. Structural Lipidomics

1. W Zhang, D Zhang, Q Chen, J Wu, Z Ouyang, Y Xia. Online photochemical derivatization enables comprehensive mass spectrometric analysis of unsaturated phospholipid isomers. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 79.

2. W Zhang*, B Shang, Z Ouyang, Y Xia*. Enhanced phospholipid isomer analysis by online photochemical derivatization and RPLC-MS. Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 6719-6726.

3. W Zhang, R Jian, J Zhao, Y Liu, Y Xia. Deep-lipidotyping by mass spectrometry: recent technical advances and applications J. Lipid Res. 2022, 63, 100219.

4. W Zhang, B Shang, Y Xia. Comprehensive characterization of phospholipid isomers in human platelets. J. Anal. Test. 2020, 4, 210-216.

3. Point-of Care MS

1. W Zhang, X Wang, Y Xia, Z Ouyang. Ambient ionization and miniature mass spectrometry systems for disease diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring. Theranostics 2017, 7, 2968-2981.

2. J Wu, W Zhang*, Z Ouyang*. On-Demand Mass Spectrometry Analysis by Miniature Mass Spectrometer. Anal. Chem. 2021, 93, 6003-6007.

3. R Zou, W Cao, L Chong, W Hua, H Xu, Y Mao, J Page, R Shi, Y Xia, TY Hu, W Zhang*, Z Ouyang*. Point-of-care tissue analysis using miniature mass spectrometer. Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 1157-1163.

4. M Kang, J Xue, Y Zhang, Z Ouyang*, W Zhang*. On-site quantitation of morphine in urine by fast derivatization and miniature mass spectrometry analysis. Green Anal. Chem. 2022, 1, 100013

5. S Chiang, W Zhang*, C Farnsworth, Y Zhu, K Lee, Z Ouyang*. Targeted quantification of peptides using miniature mass spectrometry. J. Proteome Res. 2020, 19, 2043-2052.

6. M Kang, W Zhang, L Dong, X Ren, Y Zhu, Z Wang, L Liang, J Xue, Y Zhang*, W Zhang*, Z Ouyang*. On-site testing of multiple drugs of abuse in urine by a miniature dual-LIT mass spectrometer. Anal. Chim. Acta 2020, 1101, 74-80.

7. M Kang, R Lian, X Zhang, Y Li, Y Zhang, Y Zhang*, W Zhang*, Z Ouyang*. Rapid and on-site detection of multiple fentanyl compounds by dual-ion trap miniature mass spectrometry system. Talanta 2020, 217, 121057.





